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Don’t Judge a Book By Its Cover

The Goldstein Family Grief Center is excited to host a book discussion led by M.E. Steele-Pierce, PhD, a retired school administrator and current Hospice of Cincinnati Peer Support Volunteer. M.E. will be facilitating an interactive discussion of Nora McInerny’s book,…

The Woulda, Shoulda Couldas of Grief

Feelings of guilt and regret can be one of the most uncomfortable parts of grief. It is common for grieving individuals to focus on what they did not do, or regret doing, on their caregiving journey. Join us for a…

Grieving With Intention

You are on a journey that can be frightening, painful and often very lonely. There are no magic words or actions that can take that pain away. Paying attention to your grief, to the many facets of it, is the…

When Someone You Love Dies

Grief is a normal emotional response to the loss of a loved one. As much as one would like to avoid dealing with grief, it is important to acknowledge the death and the feelings associated with it. Acknowledging grief is…

Working Through Grief Takes Time

Grief is the normal emotional response to losing a loved one. As much as we’d rather avoid dealing with it, grief is important. It is the process by which one begins to accept the reality of loss and adjust to…

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